Hello Friends – I wanted to touch on being Mindful today

BE MINDFUL The concept of mindfulness is simple. This ancient practice is about being completely aware of what’s happening in the present—of all that’s going on inside and all that’s happening around you. It means not living your life on “autopilot.” Becoming a more mindful person requires commitment and practice. Here are some tips to […]
Are we ready to get back to work?

Most of us are ready to get back to work. I’m already growing weary of the “new normal” term. I’m trying to get over that and figure out what I need to do, to get my team, my company moving forward. But, due to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic affecting workplaces, many of us […]
Workplace Wellness – Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. —Stephen Hawking

Maintaining Motivation and Interest – you ever hear the saying – great execution (great play) is the result of preparedness meeting opportunity? Or, Luck is what happens when Preparation meets Opportunity. You ever notice the more batting practice you take, the luckier you get? ? We can all agree that we are in trying times. […]
6 Steps for Creating a Return to Work Action Plan – Video – Happy

Hi Everybody, Some, Most of us are ready to get back to work. This video features six steps to help get you started with your return to work action plan. Please review this video and contact me for a step by step work action plan guide created to help you do just that. The guidebook […]
“When Life Brings Big Winds of Change That Almost Blow You Over, Close Your Eyes, Hold on Tight, And Believe” Llisa Lieberman-Wang

Return to Work Action Plan

At Denesha Insurance, it is our priority to keep our employees and their families healthy This sample return to work action plan serves as an example plan for businesses to use as a template when preparing their own plans. It does not account for state and local guidance related to COVID-19, but follows the guidance […]
Opening Up America Again Guidelines

I’m not sure what to think of this yet. I’m still digesting trying to figure out what is really the best way forward? My logic says that this is the flu and let’s move on. Then i see main stream media and the sky is falling. No doubt any death is tragic. Please everybody, take […]
21 Small Ways to Make Life Simpler

by HENRIK EDBERG Last updated APRIL 23, 2020 Hello Everybody – Normally I try to post helpful material to keep you updated on best ways to move your business forward. Most of us have heard of the “KISS” method for making decisions.?(if you haven’t, please let me know) I Hope everyone enjoys Henriks thoughts on […]
Mindful & Healthy

Spending time in nature has healing and restorative power. Being outdoors increases well-being, helps alleviate stress and anxiety, promotes creativity, assists with recovery from mental fatigue, helps restore attention, boosts the brain’s ability to think, and engages the senses. – Catherine Morey-Nase Please do your best – Stay Calm – Stay Hopeful – Stay Kind […]
Reopening a Business After the Coronavirus Shutdown

As the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to have an unprecedented effect on daily life, many business owners are looking forward to the future and a return to normalcy. However, even when stay-at-home orders are lifted and nonessential businesses are allowed to resume operations, there’s a lot for organizations to consider before they reopen their doors. […]