We Help Businesses & People Make Smarter Decisions When It Comes to Insurance
Denesha Insurance Agency

Your One-Stop Shop for Quotes & Enrollment

Let us help you understand and choose life insurance on your own terms with ease.​

  1. Quick Quote: No Email, Phone, or Name Needed
  2. Quickly find out what you might pay without giving away any personal info. Get a clear cost estimate in less than a minute, without any commitment.

  3. Self-Service Quote: For the Do-It-Yourselfers
  4. If you’re a do-it-yourselfer, take advantage of our Self-Service Quote. Get a quote and apply for coverage online, without the need to interact with anyone. It’s your insurance, on your terms. Apply and get covered in less than 5 minutes.

  5. Free Consultation: Personalized Guidance
  6. Prefer a one-on-one approach? This option connects you with an expert to discuss your insurance options, ask questions, and receive advice that’s as unique as you are.

  7. Needs Analysis: Tailored Insight
  8. Do you know how much life insurance you need? This detailed calculator considers your unique circumstances, ensuring the coverage aligns perfectly with your family’s long-term needs.

Which Type of Life Insurance is Right for You?

Life insurance primarily branches into two types: Permanent and Term. The choice between them is influenced by your desired coverage duration, the primary intent behind the insurance, and your budget. Here’s a detailed insight into each to aid your decision-making process:

Permanent (Whole or Universal) Life Insurance

Think of this as a long-term safety net: it lasts your whole life and promises a payout to your loved ones as long as you keep up with the payments.

Why Choose Permanent Life Insurance?

  • Lifelong Coverage: Unlike term insurance, permanent life insurance accompanies you throughout your life, offering an unbreakable safety net.
  • Cash Value Accumulation: Think of this as a dual-purpose policy. As you pay your premiums, a portion accumulates as cash value, functioning like a built-in savings account.
  • Financial Flexibility: The best part? This cash value isn’t just a number on a paper; it’s a financial resource. You can borrow against it, withdraw funds when needed, or let it grow to enhance the future payout to your family.
  • Long-term Investment: Due to its enduring benefits and cash value component, permanent life insurance often comes with higher premiums, making it a long-term financial commitment.

Real world Scenario: Meet Linda, a single mom in her 40s with two kids. She’s not just worried about immediate expenses like college fees and her mortgage but also the rising costs of future needs, such as potential medical bills and other expenses. Linda seeks lasting security, so she chooses permanent life insurance. It’s pricier upfront, but it’s like having a safety net and a savings account in one. Years later, as expenses mount, she can rely on her insurance’s growing value for long-term peace of mind.


Term Life Insurance

Unlike permanent life insurance, term life insurance provides coverage for a specified period—usually 10, 20, or 30 years. If you pass away within this term, your beneficiaries receive a death benefit. If the term expires and you’re still alive, the policy simply ends.

Why Choose Term Life Insurance?

  • Affordable Protection: Term life insurance is often the most budget-friendly option, offering substantial coverage for lower premiums.
  • Simplicity: You pay a fixed premium for a set term, and your beneficiaries receive a predetermined amount if you pass away during that period.
  • Flexible Terms: Tailor your policy to your life stage or specific financial obligations. 
  • Short-Term Commitment: Ideal for those who need significant coverage now but anticipate fewer financial responsibilities in the future.

Real World Scenario: Meet Tom, Tom’s a dad in his 30s, working two jobs to make ends meet. With a young family and a tight budget, he’s looking for a simple, affordable way to make sure his family’s covered if anything happens to him. He goes for term life insurance – it fits his budget and covers him for the next 20 years, the time he thinks his family needs protection the most. 


Do you have the NEW life insurance?

Most people don’t know that there is a new life insurance where you don’t have to die to receive benefits. I can facilitate this for you!

But I Already Have Employer-Sponsored Life Insurance…

The life insurance coverage most employers provide might seem sufficient at first glance. Yet, when we consider the long-term financial security of our loved ones, experts recommend a policy that’s 10X your annual income. That’s a significant difference. Is your family’s future worth only $25,000 or closer to the $1M mark that truly reflects your value and their well-being? Don’t just accept the standard. Choose a protection that genuinely resonates with your significance and the stability your family needs.

How much coverage do I need?

The cost of life insurance isn’t one-size-fits-all. It’s tailored according to individual factors and preferences. Here are the primary elements influencing your premium:
  • Policy Choice: Opting for whole life insurance often incurs a higher premium compared to term life. This is due to its lifelong coverage and the potential to build cash value.
  • Underwriting Preferences: If you’re leaning towards policies like simplified or guaranteed issue ones, which skip detailed underwriting or medical exams, be prepared for a slightly higher premium.
  • Extent and Duration of Coverage: Policies with a higher coverage amount or longer term usually command a higher premium. That said, the perpetual nature of whole life insurance also contributes to its higher cost.
  • Demographics: As a general rule, younger individuals often enjoy more favorable rates.
  • Overall Health: A robust health profile can lead to reduced premiums.
  • Lifestyle Choices: If you’re a non-smoker, expect a more advantageous rate compared to those who use tobacco.
Dive deeper to understand the nuances of your life insurance pricing.

How much does insurance cost?

The cost of life insurance isn’t one-size-fits-all. It’s tailored according to individual factors and preferences. Here are the primary elements influencing your premium:
  • Policy Choice: Opting for whole life insurance often incurs a higher premium compared to term life. This is due to its lifelong coverage and the potential to build cash value.
  • Underwriting Preferences: If you’re leaning towards policies like simplified or guaranteed issue ones, which skip detailed underwriting or medical exams, be prepared for a slightly higher premium.
  • Extent and Duration of Coverage: Policies with a higher coverage amount or longer term usually command a higher premium. That said, the perpetual nature of whole life insurance also contributes to its higher cost.
  • Demographics: As a general rule, younger individuals often enjoy more favorable rates.
  • Overall Health: A robust health profile can lead to reduced premiums.
  • Lifestyle Choices: If you’re a non-smoker, expect a more advantageous rate compared to those who use tobacco.
Dive deeper to understand the nuances of your life insurance pricing.

What are the types of Life Insurance?

Term Life Insurance
  • What It Is: A policy that provides coverage for a set period, typically 10, 20, or 30 years.


  • Who It’s For: Ideal for people who need significant coverage for specific financial commitments that will diminish over time, such as a mortgage or children’s education costs.
Permanent Life Insurance (Whole Life, Universal Life)
  • What It Is: These policies provide lifelong coverage and feature an investment component where cash value accumulates.


  • Who It’s For: Best suited for those seeking both lifelong protection and a means to accumulate tax-deferred savings.
Whole Life Insurance
  • What It Is: Whole Life insurance is a type of permanent life insurance that offers guaranteed lifetime coverage, provided premiums are paid. One of the defining features is its cash value component, which grows at a guaranteed rate.


  • Who It’s For: This policy is particularly suited for those who desire a fixed premium and guaranteed growth of cash value. It’s a good fit if you’re looking for both a long-term financial safety net and a potential source of loans or cash withdrawals.

Universal Life Insurance
  • What It Is: Universal Life insurance is another form of permanent life insurance, but it offers more flexibility than Whole Life insurance. You can adjust your premium payments and death benefits to some extent. It also has a cash value component, but the growth is tied to current interest rates or investment performance.


  • Who It’s For: This policy is ideal for those who want lifetime coverage but also desire some level of flexibility to adjust premiums and death benefits according to their changing financial situation.

Indexed Universal Life Insurance
  • What It Is: Similar to universal life insurance but with the cash value portion earning interest based on the performance of a market index.
  • Who It’s For: Suitable for those who want the potential for higher returns without the risks of direct investment in the market.
Variable Life Insurance
  • What It Is: A permanent life insurance policy with an investment component that allows you to invest your cash value in various sub-accounts.


  • Who It’s For: Those who are financially savvy and want to integrate their life insurance with an investment opportunity.
Final expense Insurance
  • What It Is: This is a more specialized, smaller coverage policy designed to cover funeral costs and other end-of-life expenses.


  • Who It’s For: Generally targeted at seniors who wish to ensure that their families are not burdened with their end-of-life expenses.

Why Trust Denesha Insurance Agency for Your Family’s Future?

You don’t have to go it alone when planning for your family’s financial security. At Denesha Insurance Agency, we get it. You’re not just looking for any insurance; you’re looking for peace of mind, financial stability, and a great investment for you and your loved ones.

Your family’s needs—your children’s schooling, keeping a roof over your heads, or just making sure the bills get paid—are our top priority. We’re there for you, guiding you every step of the way, like a trusted friend who’s been there before.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Terry Denesha insurance agents Bakersfield CA
What Affects Your Life Insurance Premiums?
  • Age (Life insurance rates typically increase as you get older)
  • Gender (female tends to be less expensive)
  • Smoking (smoking increases premiums)
  • Health (poor health can raise premiums)
  • Lifestyle (risky activities can increase premiums)
  • Family medical history (chronic illness in relatives can raise premiums)
  • Driving record (good drivers save on premiums)
Can I Name Multiple Beneficiaries?

Yes, you can name multiple beneficiaries and even specify the percentage of the death benefit each should receive.

Are Life Insurance Payouts Taxable?

Generally, life insurance payouts are not subject to income tax, making them a tax-efficient way of passing wealth to the next generation or securing your family’s financial future.

How Does the Cash Value in Permanent Life Insurance Work?

The cash value in a permanent life insurance policy grows over time and can be used for loans, withdrawals, or even to pay premiums in some cases.

Can I Change My Coverage Later?

Most types of life insurance, especially Universal Life, offer some flexibility to adjust premiums and coverage amounts. However, modifications may be subject to underwriting and other fees.

How Long Does it Take to Receive the Death Benefit?

Once a claim is filed and approved, beneficiaries usually receive the death benefit within 30 to 60 days.

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