We Help Businesses & People Make Smarter Decisions When It Comes to Insurance
Denesha Insurance Agency

Life Insurance Without the Hassle of a Medical Exam

We believe in making life insurance accessible and straightforward for everyone. That’s why we’ve eliminated the need for medical exams entirely. You can effortlessly apply for tailored life insurance coverage online, simply by answering a few health-related questions.

Online No-Exam Term Life Insurance: Quick and Convenient

Think of Denesha’s Whole life insurance as a life-long partner, standing by your side. It’s a promise that no matter what happens and when it happens, your loved ones will have a financial safety net, and you have a growing cash value that’s a great investment over time.
Speedy, Online Process, No Medical Exam Required:

Our application is 100% online and can be completed in just a few minutes. All you need to do is answer some health questions, and you’ll receive your life insurance quote today, no medical exam needed.

Up to $2 Million in Coverage:

Select a coverage amount that suits your needs, ranging from $100,000 to $2 million

Flexible Term Lengths:

We provide a variety of term lengths including 10, 15, 20, and 30 years, giving you the flexibility to choose what’s best for you.

Expert Support Whenever You Need It:

Our team of experts is here to answer all your questions and guide you through the process. Our office hours are 9:00 am to 5:30 pm – MF. Always a real person to assist you on the phone if you need it.

See how inexpensive life insurance really is

In just one minute you can see a quick estimate of how affordable your peace of mind really is!

Life Insurance Made Easy

Traditional insurers might require a medical exam, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or work in a high-risk job. The results of this exam can then be used to determine your premium, potentially leading to higher costs.

At Denesha, we provide alternatives for those who might be considered higher risk. Simplified issue and guaranteed issue policies are two popular choices we offer. Your answers to our medical questions will help determine which policy you qualify for, with guaranteed issue policies offering coverage up to $30,000.

No Medical Exam Needed with Denesha

Once you’ve answered our health questions and submitted your application, we’ll review it promptly to determine if we can approve it quickly. Depending on your specific situation, we might need to ask a few more follow-up questions.

Start Your Application Now

Discover a new platform that not only provides more precise and reliable insurance quotes but also allows you to apply directly with ease!

Speed Up Your Application Process

When Applying:
Ensure you answer each question thoroughly and accurately. Have these details ready:

  • Driver’s license
  • Social security number (for identity verification)
  • Personal and family medical history
  • Information on any current prescriptions

After Applying:
If we need any follow-up information, please respond as quickly as possible. Any delays in providing this information could slow down the underwriting process of your policy.

What are the types of Life Insurance?

Term Life Insurance
  • What It Is: A policy that provides coverage for a set period, typically 10, 20, or 30 years.


  • Who It’s For: Ideal for people who need significant coverage for specific financial commitments that will diminish over time, such as a mortgage or children’s education costs.
Permanent Life Insurance (Whole Life, Universal Life)
  • What It Is: These policies provide lifelong coverage and feature an investment component where cash value accumulates.


  • Who It’s For: Best suited for those seeking both lifelong protection and a means to accumulate tax-deferred savings.
Whole Life Insurance
  • What It Is: Whole Life insurance is a type of permanent life insurance that offers guaranteed lifetime coverage, provided premiums are paid. One of the defining features is its cash value component, which grows at a guaranteed rate.


  • Who It’s For: This policy is particularly suited for those who desire a fixed premium and guaranteed growth of cash value. It’s a good fit if you’re looking for both a long-term financial safety net and a potential source of loans or cash withdrawals.

Universal Life Insurance
  • What It Is: Universal Life insurance is another form of permanent life insurance, but it offers more flexibility than Whole Life insurance. You can adjust your premium payments and death benefits to some extent. It also has a cash value component, but the growth is tied to current interest rates or investment performance.


  • Who It’s For: This policy is ideal for those who want lifetime coverage but also desire some level of flexibility to adjust premiums and death benefits according to their changing financial situation.

Indexed Universal Life Insurance
  • What It Is: Similar to universal life insurance but with the cash value portion earning interest based on the performance of a market index.
  • Who It’s For: Suitable for those who want the potential for higher returns without the risks of direct investment in the market.
Variable Life Insurance
  • What It Is: A permanent life insurance policy with an investment component that allows you to invest your cash value in various sub-accounts.


  • Who It’s For: Those who are financially savvy and want to integrate their life insurance with an investment opportunity.
Final expense Insurance
  • What It Is: This is a more specialized, smaller coverage policy designed to cover funeral costs and other end-of-life expenses.


  • Who It’s For: Generally targeted at seniors who wish to ensure that their families are not burdened with their end-of-life expenses.

Why Trust Denesha Insurance Agency for Your Family’s Protection?

At Denesha Insurance Agency, we get it. You’re not just looking for any insurance; you’re looking for peace of mind, financial stability, and a great investment for you and your loved ones.

We take pride in our smaller size because it means we can offer a level of personal attention and care that the big insurance companies just can’t match. When you call us, you’ll always be greeted by a live person, ready to assist you. You’re not just a policyholder; you’re a partner, and we’re dedicated to taking care of our partners.”

See what our clients say about us

Frequently Asked Questions

Terry Denesha insurance agents Bakersfield CA
What Affects Your Life Insurance Premiums?
  • Age (Life insurance rates typically increase as you get older)
  • Gender (female tends to be less expensive)
  • Smoking (smoking increases premiums)
  • Health (poor health can raise premiums)
  • Lifestyle (risky activities can increase premiums)
  • Family medical history (chronic illness in relatives can raise premiums)
  • Driving record (good drivers save on premiums)
Can I Name Multiple Beneficiaries?

Yes, you can name multiple beneficiaries and even specify the percentage of the death benefit each should receive.

Are Life Insurance Payouts Taxable?

Generally, life insurance payouts are not subject to income tax, making them a tax-efficient way of passing wealth to the next generation or securing your family’s financial future.

How Does the Cash Value in Permanent Life Insurance Work?

The cash value in a permanent life insurance policy grows over time and can be used for loans, withdrawals, or even to pay premiums in some cases.

Can I Change My Coverage Later?

Most types of life insurance, especially Universal Life, offer some flexibility to adjust premiums and coverage amounts. However, modifications may be subject to underwriting and other fees.

How Long Does it Take to Receive the Death Benefit?

Once a claim is filed and approved, beneficiaries usually receive the death benefit within 30 to 60 days.

Need me to facilitate this personally?

Schedule a free consultation with me, we can discuss your personal situation.