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Mindful Perspective

The ability to find the funny pumps oxygen into adverse situations. With humor, we can live our lives a little more honestly, and less fearfully, even though we can’t make bad things go away. – Elaine Smookler

Have you ever been at work, or at home and didn’t feel well?

Maybe you had a fever or a sore throat but you didn’t have time to leave and see your doctor or go to urgent care. Now, with Anthem LiveHealth and Kaiser Video Visit Online, you can see a board-certified doctor in minutes. When can you use LiveHealth Online? LiveHealth Online is a great option for […]

Kaiser & Anthem Telemedicine Instructions

Have you ever been at work, or at home and didn’t feel well? Maybe you had a fever or a sore throat but you didn’t have time to leave and see your doctor or go to urgent care. Now, with Anthem LiveHealth and Kaiser Video Visit Online, you can see a board-certified doctor in minutes. […]

Live Well, Work Well – April 2020

Good morning ! Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. Please let us know if there is anything special we can do for you. Learn more about workplace humor and satisfying snacks with this brief video “When adversity strikes, that’s when you have to be the most calm. Take a step back, stay strong, stay […]

Blue Shield will be covering your Teladoc visits through May 31

Blue Shield will be covering your Teladoc visits through May 31 Access to licensed doctors 24/7 by phone or video Get care when and where you need it through your Blue Shield health plan. As a Blue Shield member, you have access to Teladoc’s national network of U.S. boar-certified physicians, licensed in California. Whenever you […]

How Might I Stay in Business?

Most of us Small Business Owners are Asking HOW does the Stimulus Package Help my Small Business? You may be asking – How do I stay in business? How do I keep employees, or sub-contractors viable? There are essentially 2 forms of loans. CARES Act Small Business Loan Provisions Through the Paycheck Protection Program Through […]

California Guidance on Coronavirus and Employee Leave and Pay

The California Labor Commissioner’s Office has issued coronavirus disease (COVID-19) FAQs on laws it enforces. The FAQs address issues such as: Leave for employees under quarantine or at risk of exposure; Questioning employees about their travel to high-risk areas; and The effect of operational shutdowns on exempt and nonexempt employee compensation. ACTION STEPS Employers subject […]

Understanding Historic $2 Trillion Stimulus Package

What is in the stimulus package? The $2 trillion stimulus package, negotiated by Republican and Democratic leaders, is the largest economic stimulus measure in modern history. The bill is a $2 trillion combination of tax provisions and other stimulus measures, including emergency business lending. The measure promises to provide help for struggling American families and […]

Congress Agrees to $2 Trillion Coronavirus Relief Bill

On Wednesday, March 25, 2020—after days of debate—Congress agreed to a $2 trillion economic rescue package designed to provide financial assistance to Americans and their families, and billions of dollars in loans for businesses. Voting is expected midday. The package is the largest fiscal stimulus in modern U.S. history and is the government’s most recent […]

Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Signed into Law

Late on March 18, 2020, President Trump signed into law the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (which included some technical changes since the proposed bill was passed by the House). This appears to be just the beginning of major legislation related to COVID-19.   Free testing for COVID-19 [embeddoc url=”https://benefitsology.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Families-First-Coronavirus-Response-Act_-Signed-into-Law-032020R1-1.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google” ]