We Help Businesses & People Make Smarter Decisions When It Comes to Insurance

CalSavers Retirement Savings Program

Employers with five or more employees may start participating in California’s new state-sponsored retirement savings program (CalSavers) if they do not sponsor a retirement plan for their employees. Employers with more than 100 employees will be required to start participating on June 30, 2020. This Employment Law Summary provides an overview of CalSavers.

Summary of the 2019 Employer Health Benefits Survey

This article briefly summarizes some of the main takeaways from the 2019 survey of employer-sponsored health benefits from the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Health Research & Educational Trust (Kaiser/HRET).

Allergies: Seasonal Relief

This Live Well, Work Well flyer provides quick tips for avoiding allergy flare-ups during the winter, spring, summer and fall.  

California Health Insurance Mandates

State health insurance mandates are laws regulating the terms of coverage for insured health plans. This Employment Law Summary outlines California’s benefit, provider and person mandates for group health insurance plans.

Benefits 101 -Open Enrollment Overview

This video explains to employees what to expect from open enrollment. It includes a brief overview of the process and some best practices for them to consider before enrolling.

Live Well Work Well – 4th Quarter 2019

This quarterly edition of the Live Well, Work Well newsletter features an in-depth review of recent health news, highlights three national health observances from the previous quarter, discusses various health and wellness topics and provides two healthy recipes.