Congress Agrees to $2 Trillion Coronavirus Relief Bill

On Wednesday, March 25, 2020—after days of debate—Congress agreed to a $2 trillion economic rescue package designed to provide financial assistance to Americans and their families, and billions of dollars in loans for businesses. Voting is expected midday. The package is the largest fiscal stimulus in modern U.S. history and is the government’s most recent […]
Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Signed into Law

Late on March 18, 2020, President Trump signed into law the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (which included some technical changes since the proposed bill was passed by the House). This appears to be just the beginning of major legislation related to COVID-19. Free testing for COVID-19 [embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”google” ]
Live Well, Work Well January 2020

Denesha Final Version 60 Second

Denesha Difference

CalSavers Retirement Savings Program

Employers with five or more employees may start participating in California’s new state-sponsored retirement savings program (CalSavers) if they do not sponsor a retirement plan for their employees. Employers with more than 100 employees will be required to start participating on June 30, 2020. This Employment Law Summary provides an overview of CalSavers.
Benefits 101 -Open Enrollment Overview

This video explains to employees what to expect from open enrollment. It includes a brief overview of the process and some best practices for them to consider before enrolling.
Open Enrollment Guide

Provide employees with important benefits information during open enrollment. This document has been updated to include more benefits descriptions. Your Company strives to provide you and your family with a comprehensive and valuable benefits package. We want to make sure you’re getting the most out of your benefits—that’s why we’ve put together this Open Enrollment […]
Highlight 1 – Management Consulting

Consumerism Comparison Shopping

Comparison Shopping Consumer-driven health care, or consumerism, revolves around the idea that consumers should be able to make informed choices about their medical care based on price and quality information. The eventual goal is for well-informed health care consumers to compare prices—choosing more wisely and ultimately lowering overall health care costs for everyone. However, the […]