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Ask Terry Denesha
Remaining competitive in the hunt for the right job candidates who will propel your business to success is a struggle. Once you find the people you need, you have to convince them that your company is a better place to work than your competitors. A strategic, quality benefits package can help you attract and retain those top employees.
Employees value a well-rounded selection of benefits, and health insurance, a 401(k) plan, life insurance and dental coverage are a few of the plans that you can consider offering.
The Benefits
Benefits packages offer value to your employees and help you boost productivity and retention in a cost-effective manner. Here are a few of the advantages of offering employee benefits as part of your compensation package.
Talent Attraction and Retention
Employees highly value a good benefits package. Developing a strategic benefits package that targets specific types of employees can help attract the right job candidates to keep your organization running at peak efficiency.
Once you have these top-performing employees at your company, providing a tailored employee benefits package will serve as a barrier to them leaving—a great benefits package can be a huge advantage when looking at retention strategies because it holds more than just monetary value for the employee. A bigger salary at another company likely won’t be as strong a pull for an employee tempted to leave if the other company’s benefits package isn’t as attractive as yours.
Benefitsology™ is a place where you can learn all about benefits and discover custom solutions for your business.
Benefitsology™ process has emphasis on consumerism and education where most benefit programs lack. With my economics and efficiency background, I have a strong opinion that the future of employee benefits will need to rely heavily on ability for each of us to shop and compare. Transparency has to occur. The optimum end result is as unique as the company that is being reviewed.
It is more than study of employee benefits but also can include reviews of some business processes.
Updating policies and remaining compliant on a vast number of issues in the workplace, as well as keeping up on wellness, employee communications and other HR topics, are big concerns and can be a burden for HR departments.
Gathering information from a variety of sources can be time-consuming and tedious. You also need to ensure that you’re gathering accurate, up-to-date information, which is a challenge when using the Internet. Misinformation and confusion will not be an acceptable excuse if you are fined for noncompliance with government regulations, so finding a good source of information for HR support is crucial.
What You Need
We understand that HR departments are spread thinner than ever, yet are responsible for vitally important parts of the business: workplace compliance, policies and procedures, employee communications, benefits enrollment and much more. Researching, writing and maintaining all the information needed to stay on top of these tasks, in addition to handling day-to-day responsibilities, can be time-consuming for an overwhelmed HR staff.
For example, accurate, timely enrollment information is vital to smooth enrollment periods and happy employees, but explaining benefits to employees can take a lot of time. Good articles and explanatory materials can cut down on the time HR needs to spend face-to-face presenting and explaining basic benefit terms and information.
The Challenges
The difficulties of keeping up with changing government regulations are numerous, especially in the current environment of massive health care changes that affect businesses and individuals alike. Search engines such as Google can be used to look for information on a variety of HR-related issues, but the endless list of results can be unwieldy and difficult to sift through:
- Relying on search engines will not alert you to new compliance issues, and you can’t search for a topic if you aren’t aware of what the new regulations are.
Right here! Click or tap the link here to be brought to our health insurance plan comparison tool. You can either download the interactive PDF or use it right in your web browser!
Benefit costs and employee expectations are rising, and many employers struggle to balance employee needs with their own capabilities and bottom lines. Brokers will try to sell to you based on having the lowest price, but sometimes the best value is the broker who does more than simply offer a policy—one who supports your varied business needs, including compliance, HR, wellness and more.
In today’s market, pricing is similar among brokers, but only the best offer you a complete consultative package.
What a Consultative Broker Can Offer
A consultative broker can do much more for you than just place your coverage. A consultative broker strives to be a strategic partner for your business, learning about your challenges and needs, and how he or she can support you with a variety of resources and services.
Serving in an advisory role, a broker can develop a multi-year strategic plan to help you lower medical costs, streamline HR operations, implement a wellness program and follow through on other key initiatives.
A consultative broker can assist you by being an educational resource and strategic advisor and offer HR support.
- As an educational resource, a broker can help you understand complicated, changing mandates that dictate health care reform compliance by providing timely legislative bulletins detailing and explaining new and changing rules, regulations and delays.
A broker serving in this role will also be able to provide educational materials relating to benefits, wellness, and other topics of concern and interest.
- As a strategic advisor, a broker can help you with health risk management and wellness programs. You could easily reap the benefits of a wellness program that leads to a healthier workforce, potentially triggering less absenteeism due to illness, more productive employees and improved morale.
The consultative broker can provide you with a comprehensive wellness program plan that includes everything you need to set up and implement a program and assess the outcome, leaving you with very little to do besides insert necessary information in easily customized segments.
- As HR support, a broker can provide access to employee newsletters and benefit announcements, as well as sample documents and expert advice for crafting policies, forms, benefits summary statements, handbooks and more. A broker can also provide an online portal for employees to self-serve benefits and other information when it’s most convenient for them.
Denesha Insurance Agency can offer you a range of services, and strives to earn your trust as a resource and advisor for a variety of issues you face. We would love the opportunity to do a consultation and assess how our offerings can address your unique business needs.
Contact me at 661-397-0041 or email at
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ON A MISSION TO ADD VALUE: We have implemented electronic scheduler that is designed to make it convenient for you to schedule time to talk Terry Denesha. Now you can schedule free reviews and consultations, obligation free. Schedule here.
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