We Help Businesses & People Make Smarter Decisions When It Comes to Insurance

Mindful Benefits – Nature

Terry Denesha

Terry Denesha

I’m passionate about simplifying insurance, empowering you to understand your options clearly, and make informed decisions on your own terms.

Spending time in nature has healing and restorative power. Being outdoors increases well-being, helps alleviate stress and anxiety, promotes creativity, assists with recovery from mental fatigue, helps restore attention, boosts the brain’s ability to think, and engages the senses. – Catherine Morey-Nase

Happy Birthday Scott

Hey, everybody’s appreciation of nature is a little different. What’s yours?

Half Dome, Ocean, Mountains, Mountains & Ocean, Golf Course, Neighborhood Park, Back Yard, Baseball/Softball Diamond, Farm, hey, how about the Golf Course? Enjoy and refresh. If not physically go to these places, how about mentally? Maybe your restorative place isn’t outdoors, maybe indoors? Art Studio, Your Kitchen, Den, Patio, Garage.

Have you ever noticed that peace, calm, and happiness can be learned and happen more often if you try? If you use techniques, are around people, outdoors, these people and places may help create, induce these feelings.

Why not go to these restorative, healthy places?

Where is your Happy Place?
[embeddoc url=”http://denesha.net/wp-content/uploads/The-Importance-of-Happiness-During-Difficult-Times.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google” ]

If you’d like to explore life insurance options on your own terms, we offer free consultations to help you navigate the choices and find the right solution for your unique needs. Reach out today to take the first step in securing your financial future.