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Mindful Perspective – Breathe

Terry Denesha

Terry Denesha

A new study suggests that parents may be able to breathe a sigh of relief. Why? As it turns out, the key to better parenting and better mental health may be as simple as letting go of worry and releasing ourselves from judgment. In other words, mindfulness. – Sarah Wheeler

The concept of mindfulness is simple. This ancient practice is about being completely aware of what’s happening in the presence of all that’s going on inside and all that’s happening around you.

Take some deep breaths. Hey, have you ever noticed when up to bat, taking a slow cleansing breathe helps you relax? Or, when you have that 5 footer on the last hole and it’s for $20, and you only have $10. If you take that slow breathe, it helps relax your muscles, and mind that allows you to perform to, or close to your potential.

Take some deep breaths. More tips here…[embeddoc url=”http://denesha.net/wp-content/uploads/emotional-wellness-be-mindful-checklist-1.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google” ]

Don’t Worry – Be Happy

Things could be worse