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American Rescue Plan

Understanding the American Rescue Plan: What It Means for You and Your Business The American Rescue Plan, a $1.9 trillion relief package signed into law by President Joe Biden, marks a significant effort to help Americans and businesses recover from the economic fallout caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. While the journey to its passage was […]

Talking to Children About Returning to School During the Pandemic

Hey, has anyone had conversations with their kids about Covid-19? Of course it depends on their age and ability to comprehend. While children may not understand the full scope of the COVID-19 pandemic, they do know that the world is different. This Live Well, Work Well flyer provides talking tips from the Centers for Disease […]

Mindful Perspective – Breathe

A new study suggests that parents may be able to breathe a sigh of relief. Why? As it turns out, the key to better parenting and better mental health may be as simple as letting go of worry and releasing ourselves from judgment. In other words, mindfulness. – Sarah Wheeler The concept of mindfulness is […]

Mindful Benefits – Friendship

Having strong relationships is one of the single greatest predictors of wellness, happiness, and longevity. And our connections flourish when we take time to get to know ourselves, and others, better. – Jeremy Hunter Do you still have that friend, friends from high school? When you see them, you get taken right back like you […]

Did you pay for your Covid-19 Test??

Did you pay for your Covid-19 Test?? Most, if not all of us have friends and, or, loved ones who have had Covid-19 test. Did you pay for your test? Should you be required to pay for the test if you have health insurance? Well, well, well? You should probably not be required to pay […]

Mindful Benefits – Nature

Spending time in nature has healing and restorative power. Being outdoors increases well-being, helps alleviate stress and anxiety, promotes creativity, assists with recovery from mental fatigue, helps restore attention, boosts the brain’s ability to think, and engages the senses. – Catherine Morey-Nase Happy Birthday Scott Hey, everybody’s appreciation of nature is a little different. What’s […]

Have you thought about your companies benefits?

Meeting about Employee Benefits

Yes, Open Enrollment is not too far away. Use this simple video to let employees know that open enrollment is coming soon and to start thinking about how you used your benefits this last year. Did my benefits perform as expected? Could I have used preventive care better? What are my thoughts on how my […]

Insightful Thoughts on Covid-19

Robert H Crowell May 15 Dr. Faheem Younus from the University of Maryland in America, head of the Infectious Disease Clinic tweets: We will live with Covid19 for many, many months. Let’s not deny it or panic. Let’s not make life unnecessarily difficult. Let us learn to be happy and live with that fact. The virus […]

Recruiting and Retaining Generation Z

Hey, are you ready, or almost ready to start growing your business again? Are you starting the interview process? Looking for just the right employee? Estimates show that by 2030, Generation Z could make up over half of the workforce. As more of Generation Z begins to enter the workforce, figuring out how to attract […]

Live Well, Work Well Newsletter – July 2020

Boost Your Mental Well-being During These Uncertain Times This month’s newsletter provides tips for boosting your mental health, surviving the summer heat and social distancing. Focus on what you can control. Stay informed, but don’t obsess. Connect with friends and family. Use healthy coping mechanisms. Talk to a professional. Smile BIG – Laugh Hard – […]